Monday, September 26, 2011

Type of Business Organization

Private Limited Company-
a small to medium sized business that is owned by share holders who are often members of the same family. This company cannot sell shares to the general public. Ford is an American motor company that was started by Henry Ford. They have been a business for more than 100 years, obviously success is not a problem with them.
Public Limited Company-
a limited company, often a large business, with the legal right to sell shares to the general public. Its share price is quoted on the national stock exchange.
Public Corporation-
a business enterprise owned and controlled by the state- also known as nationalized industry.
Non-profit Organization-
any organization that has aims other than making and distributing profit and which is usually governed by a voluntary board.
Non-governmental organization-
a legally constituted body with no participation or representation of any government.
Pressure group-
an organization created by people with a common interest or objective who lobby businesses and governments to change policies so that the objective is reached.

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